The third session of COOPCOM SENORS had mainly to take place in a virtual way, because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The usual team building parts were lead through several visio conferences associating one, several or all the partners altogether.
Then two activities were carried out :
- one workshop about how to valorise the patrimonial heritage of seniors, and to train their memory, through inquiries about their life illustrated with commented personal pictures.
Each partner was trained to create one slide, thanks to the methodology tested during the previous WE TOMORROW strategic partnership in which Graphistes de L’Ombre took part one year ago.
Then the partner discussed about how such activities could be used locally in order to train seniors, improve the awareness of citizen about elderly people, and also to provide some job to youth or to partners organisation aiming at initiate such workshops.
This exercise introduced a debate about the possible local uses of this offering. - then all the partners collaborated in order to work at an implementation of the COOPCOM SENIOR topic through a common project submitted at an Erasmus call for proposals.
Considering the growing part of the aged population in most of the European countries, and the increasing diseases related to this situation, it appeared useful to submit a project related to a better knowledge and awareness about the different kinds of handicaps, and how to handle them in daily life thanks to IT : the project PHANDI (Perform HANdicap Digital Inclusion) associating several partners of COOPCOM SENIORS as far as the pandemic allowed it, was submitted in this intention in Sept 2021.
Please find below the slide introducing the concept, and some of the Slides created during the activity 1
Pieces of the life of Marie Thérèse Fornasari : from Lorraine to Côte d’Azur, a story of internal migration [FRANCE]
Pieces of life of Branca and Felicidade : Portugal in the sixties [PORTUGAL]
Pieces of life of Gevher Çetinkaya : daily life and earthquake [TURKEY]
Pieces of life of Florica DIDRAGA [ROMANIA]