The training of COOPCOM REFUGEES youth workers enabled 72 participants (2/3 women) to be supported in the development of three European projects promoting the integration of refugees/migrants in Europe :
the last of which (2019-1-EN02-KA105-015787) has been selected by the European Union, allowing certain partners to continue to collaborate within the framework of the Erasmus+ educational programme by forming a Coopcom network of partners sharing values, methods and working tools.
To this end, three activities carried out successively in Spain, France and Turkey made it possible to :
- share methodological keys to improve the quality, efficiency and collaborative development of European projects
- experiment IT solutions including the Google suite (Doc, Sheet, Form, Mail, Map, Calendar…)
- make participants aware of the importance of incorporating practices inspired by responsible communication (sociocracy, nonviolent communication, etc.) into European projects,
- develop the animation and team building tools initiated within the framework of the Sharing Is Caring Refugees strategic partnership that inspired the project (2016-2-EN02-KA205-011935 –
The meetings during the activities with three local partner structures, Gavina ( SP), ALC ( FR) and KEPDER ( TK) have helped to inform participants about the social labour market related to refugees and beyond.
Several social media communication actions ( have helped to raise awareness among a public of 300 people, including various stakeholders in the action and the general public, of the usefulness of working towards better integration of refugees in Europe, and incidentally of the specific features of the Erasmus+ programme.
The crowdfunding campaign provided for in the COOPCOM REFUGEES project has been targeted to support the employment of artisanal refugees.
It was initiated jointly with the REFUGEES EMPOWER SKILLS TOGETHER project (2018-3-EN02-KA205-015203 – with a peak of 3700 visitors informed on Facebook of the event.
Spanish step – Dec. 18-22th, 2018, Castelldefels

French step – 26-29th, 2019, Nizza

Turkish step – June, 25-29th 2019, Istanbul